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Billionaires Don’t Want You to Know About This Supreme Court Case

I designed and edited this video alongside my team.

Why 99% Of Smithsonian's Specimens Are Hidden In High-Security

Why Kombucha Makers Spend Millions to Make the Drink Less Boozy

I researched, scripted, and fully edited this video for Insider, Inc. This video involved working with difficult footage that spanned weeks, and the final publication reached over 8.4 million viewers and counting.

I researched and scripted this video for Insider, Inc. - an investigation into why there's such strict regulations around the production of kombucha in the U.S. 

Soviets Banned Matzo, Now Ukraine Supplies The $110 Million American Market

How Bread Became Unaffordable Across The World

I co-produced and edited this video, helping to research for script and select highlights from raw footage. 

I co-edited and added foreign subtitles for the first portion of this video for a tight turn around edit. 

How One Italian Company Milks Slime Out Of Thousands Of Snails

How This Florida Town Became The Sea Sponge Capital Of The World

As a producer, I conceptualized this video, sourced talent, sourced highlights from raw footage and created an initial script to package and deliver to the final editor and producer at the end of my fellowship with Insider, Inc.

I acted a producer to direct talent and crew to share this story of how this Florida town is one of the top sea sponge producers in the U.S. 

How This Florida Town Became The Sea Sponge Capital Of The World

I acted an assistant producer to research and provide highlight edits for this story on why Egyptian miners risk their lives to harvest limestone. 

Harvard Dean Answers the Web's Most Search Questions 🧐

Interview: Pablo Suarez

2_Pablo Video Snippet
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I produced, created motion graphics for, and edited this video for the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative.

I edited this video for Harvard Admissions' Youtube channel answering some of their most frequently asked questions.

I edited and converted long form videos into platform specific videos for Harvard Admission's Tiktok

Alumni Legends | The Activist: Mimi Gardner '49

I filmed this interview and delivered the raw footage. 

Voices of Change: SISTA FIRE

I acted as a Creative Consultant to help produce the direction and contents and give critical feedback to the production team for this short film explaining who the faces behind SISTA FIRE, a local non profit's, are and their mission.

Happy Father's Day!

2_Father's Day Snippet
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Verdant Vibes plays "Engine Trouble" by Scott Lee

I conceptualized, produced, and gave highlight edits for this timely video featuring local children of healthcare workers acknowledging their parent for Father's Day. 

I filmed this concert set which was uploaded in portions for Verdant Vibes, a local music group. 

Water is Life

3_Water is Life with Lower Third (210823)
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I conducted a series of interviews for an interstate movement organizing to pass legislation to make sure residents' cities maintain clean water.


I filmed (often in difficult conditions) and edited a series of six videos, which went on to be used for social media compilations and newsletters. Featured here is a segment of a longer interview.

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